Although morning sickness tends to become one of the most popular and well-known symptoms of pregnancy, did you know that diarrhea and constipation can also appear?
Diarrhea in pregnancy
Whether you’ve already been pregnant or it’s the first time, chances are good that you already know many of the usual symptoms of pregnancy, especially those that usually arise in the first few weeks and months. Morning sickness, extreme tiredness and fatigue, an increased urge to urinate, vomiting, and increased breast tenderness are usually some of the most common complaints. But the reality is that they are not the only uncomfortable symptoms that can arise. At the visit this site this is important.
Did you know that pregnancy can also affect the digestive system? The morning sickness, for example, become an extremely common nuisance.
- They usually arise between weeks 4 and 16 of pregnancy, and it is estimated that between 70 to 80 percent of pregnant women experience them at some point in their gestation. But, don’t you know that diarrhea or constipation are also two other discomforts that are just as common throughout pregnancy?
- Many difficulties and problems directly related to the digestive system, such as constipation or diarrhea, for example, usually occur with some frequency during pregnancy. Even though, as we will see, hormones can be quite related, having diarrhea during pregnancy does not mean having to be related to it.
What are the main causes of diarrhea in pregnancy?
Although it is true that constipation tends to be even more common, diarrhea can also occur, but not as often, and generally does not tend to last as long. From a medical point of view, diarrhea is defined as loose or watery stools and unusually frequent. Thus, if more than three loose stools are experienced over the course of a day, it could possibly be diarrhea.
It is usually much more common throughout the third trimester of pregnancy, especially when the baby’s approximate date of birth is close. Despite not being entirely clear, many doctors agree that it could be a sign that the mother’s body is preparing for the arrival of childbirth. But beware: having diarrhea does not have to indicate that labor will start in just a few days, so you should not be alarmed if you need to go to the bathroom more times.
Causes of diarrhea in pregnancy
What’s more, some women don’t even experience diarrhea in the third trimester, while others do. Therefore, always keep in mind that each experience is always different. And that, even, the differences between pregnancies of the same woman are also.
Regarding the causes, there are some causes directly related to pregnancy, and others not so much:
Changes in diet
When they discover that they are pregnant, many women tend to make drastic changes in diet. This change in food intake that was consumed regularly and daily can cause a certain stomach upset, causing the appearance of diarrhea.
Hormonal changes and fluctuations
Hormones often have a huge influence on how many of the first symptoms of pregnancy arise. For example, they can slow down the digestive system, so constipation may occur. But it can also have the opposite effect, causing it to speed up, which can make diarrhea a problem.