Why Shop owners should use a business card? 


There has been a huge technological advancement in the last few decades but business cards are still irreplaceable. You will still find many people who prefer to keep the business card in their wallet or pocket rather than keeping the contact details of the company or shops in their smartphones. That is the reason why many business owners use to keep their shop business cards in their pockets and hand out it when they shake hands with their probable customers. Such kind of business card becomes very handy especially when a shop owner needs to promote their products, open a new branch or when they organize a fair or sales. 

Apart from that, business cards play a huge role in branding exercise that every marketer needs to take up for beating their competitors. In the shop owner’s business card you will not merely receive the contact details but also get some other useful information such as website address, name of the shop, as well as the service that you provide. The way you design the card speaks favorably about your business. Hence you must have a plan before you design each element of the business card such as its color, typeface, space, image, logo, etc. for making a desired impact on the card. 

Nowadays it is observed that the vertical business card design is getting more popular than that of the horizontal design. For general customers business cards act as a window for peeping into the possible quality of products and service. In research, it was found that 72% of the people form an opinion about the shop based on the quality of their business card. Hence it is evident that your card can either make or break your business. If you do not make your card perfectly then you may lose many of your customers whereas having a perfect business card which is well designed and not too thin nor too thick and has good paper quality can attract your customers.  Thus a business card is very vital for shop owners as well.